Eddie Ball
Marketing Manager
David Nicholas
Marketing Consultant

Peeling the way to success

An innovative merger has taken place in Wales, that's how its directors see as the way forward to injecting commercial business, Web Design and marketing objectives into organisations.

The two successful firms have formed a third company Oren Ltd. The new company, derives from the merger of EBA Associates, a business advisory company and Nicholas Marketing. The merger provides businesses with a range of skills and services that are enhanced through the experience of the three directors Eddie Ball & David Nicholas.

Eddie Ball has previous experience of senior managerial roles in companies such as Shell UK, Mobil and SMEs. David Nicholas is a Chartered Marketer and has gained a MSc in Marketing from the University of Glamorgan's Business School and has developed his skills and experience through managerial roles within marketing including the Wales Tourist Board, the National Library of Wales, the brewing industry and various SMEs.

The company offers businesses E-Mail marketing and Websites to any level, with support to ensure that companies fulfil their potential. The key to any successful business or organisation is continuous improvement and Oren Ltd gives businesses a chance to achieve a professional status

Oren Ltd, through its team of highly skilled and experienced team, delivers the tailor made shop window to your business as direct marketing, sales force, web design and e-commerce.

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